Kratom Services

5 Basic Things You Need to Know About Kratom

»Posted by on Oct 18, 2021 in Kratom Services | 0 comments

Kratom is a tropical plant that can be found in the following countries: Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar and Indonesia. It’s widely known in the field of folk medicine. The traditional use of kratom involves leaves being picked out by hand and dried in the sun. But it can also be swallowed, pulverized or brewed as tea. But during the modern times, kratom can be bought in many places and is even legal in United States. People use it as a recreational stimulant or aid for physical health.

History of Kratom

There is no definite time that we can tell when the use of kratom begun. But maeng da kratom is believed to be used since the ancient time. It is used as an alternative medicine for treating diarrhea, numbing pains and aches, alleviating addiction and managing diabetes. The most ancient practice involves chewing the leaves to gain more energy. In fact, the peasants in Thailand used to chew these leaves while they work under the sun. During the 19th century in Malaysia, it was used as a sedative. During 1930s, the tests begun and researches found out that kratom works like a cocaine because of its stimulant effects.  

Current Use

People have become interested in kratom because of its effects, and reports by users even made more people curious about it. The DEA even threatened to ban the production of this drug. There has been a survey conducted and 50% of the 6,150 users the researchers interviewed said that they use kratom to relieve pain. The 9% goes for aid in opium withdrawal and 14% is for anxiety. You can buy kratom from online vendors.


Kratom is mostly used to relieve pain, add energy and reduce social anxiety. However, there are precautions you have to watch out for. It is used as sedative or stimulant when taken in high dosage, so you should avoid any dangerous activities if ever you take this. Even you intake it as a stimulant, it might change as a sedative without warning. If you’re a new user, you should start with small doses.


There are many myths about kratom, especially on what to intake and how to take it. First myth says “green-veined strains are most energizing”. The “strains” of Kratom is sometimes distinguished by the color of the leaves’ veins. But the myth that you might be falling to is that the white or green-veined ones are more stimulating while those with red veins are more sedating. The distinction is convenient, but there is no scientific basis for this. Whatever color the strains are, the kratom leaves still come from the same tree. The color differences are due to maturity, genetics and exposure to sunlight.

The second myth is that “strain rotation avoids tolerance”. According to the myth, if you rotate the strains throughout the week it will circumvent tolerance. But in reality, doing so it is more likely to increase it. Different strains have different levels of alkaloids, yes, but those alkaloids are still present in all. If you want to avoid tolerance, just use kratom moderately.

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